含: keep in the mouth氨: ammonia; hydrogen nitride的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...含氨的: ammoniacal; ammoniated氨的: ammoniacal; ammoniated充氨的: ammoniated; ammoniating加氨的: ammonifying拍氨的: ammonotelic排氨的: ammonotelic氨的合成: ammonia synthesis氨的回收: ammonia recovery氨的离解度: degree of ammonial dissociation氨的气提: ammonia stripping; ammoniastripping氨的氧化: ammonia oxidation氨的铵的: ammonic联氨的测定: methods for analysis of water for boiler and for cooling-the determination of hydrazine尿酸与氨的: uro-ammoniac氨的分解速率: dissociation rate of gaseous ammonia氨的间接回收: indirect ammonia recovery氨的酒精溶液: alcoholic ammonia黄或淡黄和氨的: xanth酚醛模塑制品游离氨的检定: phenol-formaldehyde mouldings-detection of free ammonia混凝土外加剂中释放氨的限量: limit of ammonia emitted from the concrete admixtures车间空气中氨的纳氏试剂分光光度测定方法: workplace air-determination of ammonia-nessler's reagent spectrophotometric method含氨铜: cuprum ammoniatum